Monday, February 16, 2015

Valentine's and gladiators. Who cares?

Valentine's day.
Makes me wanna barf.
All these kids high on commercial offers.
Be my Valentine...
Chocolates, cards, silly little presents. 
Themed parties.
Get over it people!
Don't you think it is really silly to have all these themed days: Mother's day, Father's day, Valentine's day, Friend's day... 
These I take as the proof of how our lives became too busy for the  most important people
in our lives.
 Now we need reminders that we have these people and we should show them affection at least on that one day in the year.
In my old country they would call it 'capitalist motherfucking' behavior.
Because family and friends are supposed to be most important in your life.
To cut the crap,
while all those silly people were enjoying their artificially made day of love,
I somehow managed (not entirely by my own will)
to have the entire weekend just for myself.
Free to do anything I want.
Just the way I like it.
Took a minute or two to decide what I will do, made some calls and it was done.
Weather was just perfect.
Sunny, but not too warm.
Surrounding hills covered with snow.
My friend O, 
whom I have known since (almost) my kiddy pot training,
and who is all into biking&hiking&nature suggested we do a little hiking tour over the surrounding hills.

He likes to make documentaries, so taking his GoPro Hero camera was a must.
Plus I got a chance to  get trained in using this camera for my soon to be Italy trip (that is another story, but I really like to say it - Italy, soon we meet again!!!).
We made couple of really nice videos,
but I am still learning how to use the software, will add them later.
B, place of my birth and home town, is a nice and quiet little city in the valley of one of the nicest rivers on Balkans (my right to claim that).
This is just one photo of the canyon.
Will write about it in my future posts.

And this is one of the old photos of the beautiful B,
when it was covered in greens and parks.

We chose the starting point near my flat.
I live close to the river and 20 mins walk to the bottom of the nearest hill.
B is now a crowded place, lots of buildings, cafes, endless rows of cars.
Last year we counted 270 000 inhabitants.
Sometimes it gets really loud on the streets since the construction workers are everywhere; we mend roads on daily basis and everybody is so hasty especially when driving - shouting, pressing car horns.
So having an opportunity to leave it all behind in just 20 mins is priceless.

And here,
Mud road.
Just 20 min walk from the concrete.
And I love it.

Oh The Sun.
Amazing how little it takes to be truly happy for a moment.

There are still few people who live here.
Now this place is being turned into weekend houses plateau since the view is mesmerizing.

Sun always brings a BIG smile to my face.
And I just LOVE to walk.
I have restless feet.
Sometimes I think I would be able to walk while sleeping.
And I love the nature.

Though my ass did freeze that day.
And my feet got really cold.

I like these walks.
Nature lovers that you come across&the locals are really nice,
you exchange Hi&Good day,
some random words,
play with a dog or two.
Plus lots of fresh air!

Though I was really tired after a long day,
I decided not to stop on Sunday.
'Cause 'I like to move it move it'.
Went to visit Nanna.

My Dad and my favorite Uncle were there.
Along with my favorite little persons.
They tried to do some sledging but it was way too warm.

I love this place.
You can come over whenever and there is always someone there.
And they are happy to see you.
I have a big family.
And Nanna is like a Queen.
She is 89.
Collected all the wisdom of the past century.
She lives all her life in this small village just 30 km from my hometown,
but managed (in the old country) to go to the seaside and surrounding cities every once in a while.
She was sipping tap water in Dubrovnik long before all these VIP wannabes could spell Croatia :). 

I like it how Sunday lunches at Nanna's always turn into small fiestas.
'What shall we eat today?' someone would ask and then you would get loads of answers that included meat in all its delicious forms.
Prosciutto and bacon.
My Dad's little treasures.
Bread just out of the oven.

Homemade brandy&wine plus jam&apple pie.
Coffee after that.
Talking politics and rotten system of education.
How it once was and where we are heading.
EU or Russia or nowhere.
Advising each other on relationships, jobs, savings and life in general.
Sharing plans.
Same old stories every time, 
but never out of date and never boring.
I stayed a bit longer than expected so I decided to take the 'smugglers' road to home.
From Nanna's - if you go right you are taking the main road but if you go left, you are taking this small road (concrete though) that connects my hometown with town P and this road is very attractive for people who smuggle cigarettes or cut trees in the forests.
I like this smugglers road.
Goes over the hills and through the forest,
very curvy with nice scenery.
And is 12km shorter than the other one :).
So, I decided to go left.
Put on some nice, slow music, 
and drove away slow.
And then,
just after 15 mins,
blue lights approaching.
I stopped the car.
Opened the door.
'Good evening Mam' said the very serious police officer.
'What's with the window? Why can't you open it?'
'Errr, because I have my door packed with cocaine you fool' was my first thought, but since he looked so serious and his colleague was very quiet I decided not to make a joke.
'I tried to fix electrical window... Now it can't open'.
'Where do you live? Is this car yours?'
Then he looked at my red backpack (I tag it along everywhere I go), and I thought 'Dear God woman, if they have nothing better to do they will stop and search you here.' 
And I had all these delicacies in the car - bacon, cheese and ham.
And was heading home.
'Think think think.'
Of course. 
'Big smiles. Just give them big smile.'

And I smiled. The biggest smile.
And it was like the ray of light hit the police officer.
Works out EVERY time!
They both smiled at me.
'Car ok?' he asked.
'Mhhh' I replied smiling.
'Papers on car Ok?'
'You Ok?'
'Yes, I am Ok officer, thanks for asking.'
'Enjoy your day Miss.'
'Enjoy your patrol officers.'
It is amazing how a simple smile brings joy to all.
a cherry on top of the chocolate cake.
Joy of the day.
The GLADIATOR was on!!!
Dear God,
I saw this movie 11 times.
And it is not my favorite movie.

I just love it when Russel Crow says:
Plus he looks like a candy in this costume :)

So,  the question is:
'Are you?'
Or you need a Valentine's or some other stupid trade day to remind you what is important in life.


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