Gondolas of Venice.
Beautiful details.
Did you know that the start price of one gondola is 25000 EUR.
You can actually get a training and a licence for 60 EUR and rent one.
Next time I guess.
It is easy to get a gondola ride.
Stands are everywhere.
Very crowded. Maybe because it was holiday that day.
If you had an image of you in gondola, accompanied by a handsome gondolier singing "O sole mio" and you all alone in the narrow canal of Venice, I tell you ''SNAP OUT OF IT!''
I mean there are handsome gondoliers.
Mama mia! :)
But canals were packed.
Mostly Asians taking gondola ride hat day.
Plus boats.
I liked all these golden details.
I also liked the gondoliers.
As you can see, I even dressed like one especially for this occasion.
Everywhere you go you could see, and hear them.
Singing, talking to people, laughing.
Quite picturesque, see?
They even had a race that day.
Take a look.
They look like little leaves on water...
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