Friday, December 26, 2014

Party time. Take a look. Part one.

I just LOVE how we like to celebrate anything.
End of the year and saint January is just madness.
People here are not so much into presents and traveling during this season.
Not enough money. 
And too complicated (most of the time).

This is the season to be jolly,
and to jingle some bells.

I love our office parties.
We are one of the most cheerful companies in the city *when it comes to parties.
Many of us have musical/dancing background,
and all in all we fit very well together.
* I say this in english and knock,knock, knocking on the wood 'cause you can never know what the future might bring ;).

Giving money to the musicians is A MUST!

Lots of big smiles,
jumping and shouting.
Singing along,
stealing the stage from the band.
Playing air guitars,
dancing on the chairs,
dancing barefoot.

Maybe I start the music career.

I have a Gipsy temper when it comes to music.
I just LOVE to dance and sing.
Zero alcohol needed.
Only a big smile.


All in all, 
I liked it.
Mainly because some of these people are really good friends of mine.
It all comes back to those whom you are with.
Doesn't it?

Kissing the office Santa.
He is the one with best jokes.

Happy Christmas,

mine truly,


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