Thursday, December 25, 2014

Viola's little blog, the time is now.

I have been dreaming several years now about having enough time to share my thoughts and memories with this blank peace of virtual paper.
Kind of a journal.
That I can read one day when I am old and grey.
Remembering things that colored my days.
How great this is?
You can write down just about anything.
Peeeeerfect, one would say.
It took several years I guess to realize that I can not produce more free time, that I am utterly unorganized and that the time for starting anything in life (this silly blog included) is, and have always been - now.

And here, I am not somebody's something.

Here I am being just me, 
plane Jane.

Plus, I get a chance to write in English.
Priceless, ain't?

'She turned her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans.'

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